The catalogue of Maia Biennial of Contemporary Art '19 gathered all the artistic projects and parallel events, as well as curatorial texts.

Art, Biennial, Book, 2019

Book published in the context of Maia Biennial of Contemporary Art '19, gathering the curatorial texts and documenting all the artistic projects (both processes and results) as well as the parallel programme events'.
Departing from the exhibition structures, which heavily shaped the relationships between the artists, the biennial and the city, our approach was to think of this book as a container – a dense and solid block preserving the biennial's memory.

Book, 16 × 24 cm, 416 pages, 400 copies.
ISBN 978-972-88315-52-8.
Editor: Andreia Garcia; Publisher: Câmara Municipal da Maia.
Typeface: Sans, 2 weights, designed by And Atelier, 2019.